In Biblical studies, a "gloss" is an annotation written on margins or within the text of Biblical manuscripts or printed editions of the scriptures. This "gloss" is not shiny - it's matte. Plain. Straightforward. Not formally educated in Biblical studies. But it's real, thoughtful, and gives voice to ideas any other 21st century human may have when reading these ancient stories.

An Orientation to Matte Gloss

This site has 3 sections:

1. Penta-Text: a separate entry for each chapter from the Five Books of Moses, each starting with a 2-3 sentence summary, followed by our text chain discussion (this section is named after the Hebrew word Pentateuch, which means "five books").

2. Q&A: self explanatory

3. Miscellany: a collection of other random stuff, including, but not limited to: timelines, map sketches, family trees, and discussion of words/phrases that appear repeatedly.

Want to know the story behind Matte Gloss?

Em*: I have an idea.

Meg**: Okay, lay it on me.

E: I'm going to read the entire Torah, one chapter a day.

M: Whoa. What brought that on?

E: I've been thinking about this a lot. We went to Hebrew School for a dozen years. But I still don't get a lot of Biblical stuff. Like, a TV show will reference something from the Bible and I'm like, "wait, what?"

M: Hmm. But the whole Torah word-for-word? Maybe there are some pop culture references you miss, but I'm pretty sure it's not deep details in Deuteronomy.

E: Yeah I know. But I also kinda want to know more. Like read it for myself and make my own decisions about the stories and text. Not what Hebrew School taught us or what you're "supposed" to think.

M: I get that. I've definitely learned more from Rabbi Lewis' Torah study classes and my own online reading of commentaries than I did in Hebrew School.

E: Right.

M: Actually, I take that back. It's not that I learned more, it's that, like you said, learning it again as an adult gave me a chance to think about it all again, with the years more experience and maturity and whatever that I didn't have when I was 11.

E: Yup.

M: Okay so what's the plan?

E: Koren*** recommended a Torah translation that has accompanying commentary. You know how I like to set goals and make lists in my bullet journal? Every morning I'm going to read one chapter, starting at Genesis 1.

M: Some of the chapters are pretty long and dense, Em.

E: I know. Sometimes maybe it will take 15 minutes and I'll speed right through it. Sometimes it will be harder and will take an hour.

M: And I know you know this, but it gets kinda boring after Exodus.

E: That's kinda the point. I feel like I don't know much that happens after the first 2 books, and there are 3 more!

M: Gotcha.

E: So one chapter a day.

M: I want in!

E: Well you already know way more Torah stuff than I do, so how about after I read each chapter, I'll text you and we can talk about it? I'll probably have like a million questions for you.

M: Okay but it's not like I majored in Biblical studies or am so well read or anything.

E: Yeah maybe but you're more well-read than I am.

M: For now!

E: Haha. Seriously though, you already know a lot of stuff from going to Torah studies and synagogue and stuff. So I'll read the chapter and then we can talk about stuff I read, questions I have, etc. and you can chime in with stuff you know, stuff you've learned, etc.

M: Ugh this is a lot of pressure! I feel like I should do some background reading before our chats each day.

E: OMG don't make it so serious! I'm talking like a text or two about the chapter. Not a dissertation.

M: Okay well let me see how it goes. I do know a lot of stuff from Torah study and going to services, but to be totally honest, I've never read all five books word for word either.  For some reason I have the full text that Jake**** got as a Hebrew School graduation gift from the synagogue, so I'll read each chapter too.

E: Perfect.

M: Okay! Genesis 1 tomorrow!

*Emily Roben, younger sister. Emergency Room Pediatrician, Master Crafter, Chicken/Goat/Duck/Mini Horse/Love Bird/Farm Dog Mama, and Fitness Enthusiast.

**Megan Cotugno, older sister. Former Survey Researcher, Intermediate-Level Crafter, Family Blogger, and Barre Babe.

***our brilliant and beloved tour guide from our very amazing trip to Israel in July 2019

****Jake Zander, younger brother.  Mechanical Engineer, Beer Lover, Kit Car Builder, and Matte-Gloss-Project-Supporter-But-Not-Participant.